The North Brunswick Township High School Health and Wellness Team recognizes the importance of creating a safe, caring, and healthy learning community to educate, inspire, and empower students to meet challenges and achieve success. Our team provided opportunities for student involvement, provided initiatives to support employee health and wellness, and increased student, family, and community engagement by promoting and sharing resources related to health and wellness. Inviting students to participate in decision-making and an advisory capacity strengthens relationships within the school community. The remarkable community turnout at the NBT Schools Wellness Fair demonstrates the enthusiasm and caring of our student volunteers. Our improvement plan included initiatives to offer health education to staff. A blended Learning CPR/AED course was offered to all staff and over 100 staff members were certified. In addition, our Health and Wellness Team collaborated with community partners to provide a Bike Rodeo, A Walk to School Campaign, and Holiday Parties for the school community. The Health and Wellness Team is very proud of our efforts to introduce, promote, and build two new mental health programs for the high school and the entire community. The Lifelines Curriculum and the Help Me Application have significantly improved our ability to respond to Mental Health challenges by providing immediate access to resources and emergency services 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. The Health and Wellness Team continues to focus on our goal to build a safe, caring, and healthy school community and we continue to put in the work to educate and promote evidence-based programs.
Name of school and town/school district: North Brunswick Township High School
Name and credentials of contact person: Mary Ellen Engel, North Brunswick Township Nursing Supervisor
School Address: 98 Raider Rd, North Brunswick Township, NJ 08902