Dear Partner,
We are excited to report that the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), replacing No Child Left Behind, was signed into law on December 10.
The law contains good news for the whole school community child (WSCC) approach to education.
In the new federal legislation, health and physical education join subjects including art, civics, history and geography as part of a student’s “well-rounded education.” This status as a vital part of the curriculum will give school districts the opportunity to utilize federal funds for health and physical education programs — something that was limited under No Child Left Behind.
In addition, school health, physical education and physical activity programs will have access to significant funding under Title IV of the bill. Block grants will be distributed to states under the Safe and Healthy Students program.
We will be following the impact of this law in New Jersey, and keep you informed of new developments in the coming year.
Please see the recent SHAPE America press release for more information.
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Was Signed Into Law