Eating With Intention: The Power of Mindfulness at the Table

In today’s fast-paced and convenience-driven society, we often enjoy our meals on autopilot, not allowing our bodies to properly feel satisfied. Eating has become another task we juggle in our busy daily schedules. Whether grabbing a quick bite between errands, snacking while scrolling through social media, or eating on the go, the true eating experience has strayed far from its original purpose. If you’re a student-athlete, a parent on the go, or someone who wants to heal their relationship with food the contents of this article are for you! 

What is Mindful Eating?

Mindful eating is “maintaining moment-to-moment awareness of the food and drinks you put into your body. It focuses on how we eat, rather than what we eat.”¹  It involves using all your senses such as taste, sight, and smell to experience and enjoy the food. It’s not about limiting yourself to a strict calorie count or focusing on foods to avoid in your diet. It’s about being present as you eat the food. An article by Alison Stevens states “Have you ever chomped through a large bucket of popcorn during a movie, only to find out you’re hungry when the show is over? You consumed fat and calories equal to four sausages, six eggs with cheese, and four strips of bacon! But you don’t remember doing it so you believe you can still eat more.”² This is what we consider mindless eating, a bad habit that we pick up as we age and eventually becomes our new normal for eating. It’s time to shift those mindless eating habits and turn them into mindful eating habits. Located below are the benefits of eating mindfully, ways you can practice it, and how to overcome obstacles to accomplish it.

3 Benefits of Mindful Eating  

  1. Improves Digestion

When we eat quickly or are distracted, we do not give our body the time it needs to properly digest the food we eat. Mindful eating encourages us to “chew thoroughly and slowly allowing ourselves to pay attention to our sensations of hunger and fullness.”³  By eating slowly and mindfully we can aid our digestion system and reduce issues like bloating and indigestion.

  1. Healthier Eating Habits and Food Choices

When we eat mindfully, we consider what kind of food we are putting into our bodies. We associate the food with how it makes our bodies feel. It also allows us to stay in tune with our bodies helping us to avoid overeating. By practicing this habit, we are more likely to be intentional with our food choices rather than irrational.

  1. Improved Relationship with Food 

Mindful Eating can help aid in a more well-balanced and positive relationship with food. Rather than allowing restrictions on ourselves or feeling guilty when we do not follow our diet, we learn to appreciate all food as nourishment and enjoy it without an emotional attachment. 

3 Simple Ways to Practice Mindful Eating:

  1. Set the Scene

Before sitting down to eat try to get rid of any distractions such as a cellphone, television, or laptop. Allow yourself to find a quiet and calm space where you can focus on your food.

  1. Eat Slowly and Savor Each Bite 

Rather than rushing through a meal, take it slow. Allow yourself to chew thoroughly. This will not only ensure that you are enjoying your food fully, but it will also help aid your digestion.

  1. Be Kind to Yourself 

Eating mindfully is all about awareness, it is okay if it’s not done perfectly. If you find yourself falling into old habits allow yourself to notice what is happening and try to return your attention to the present moment.

How to Overcome Obstacles with Mindful Eating:

Although mindful eating has several benefits, it can often be hard to start mindful eating with a busy schedule. Here are some suggestions to overcome those obstacles:

  1. Start Small

 If you find you have little to no time to sit down and eat mindfully every day of the week start small. Try to practice eating mindfully once or twice per week. As time goes on try to gradually increase the number of times you attempt to do it. The point of mindful eating is not to strive for perfection, it is about learning how to let ourselves enjoy the food we are putting into our bodies.

  1. Use Mindful Eating as a Tool for Emotional Awareness

If you have a habit of eating when you’re stressed, sad, or bored mindful eating can help you identify those patterns. When we pay attention to how food makes us feel we are more likely to understand when we are eating for reasons other than hunger. Using mindful eating as a tool for emotional awareness helps aid in creating a schedule for eating. 



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